What Is Organizational Ethics Essay

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Ethics Paper – Organizational Assessment.
Organizational ethics are made up of principles and values used to govern the activities and decisions of persons involved with the organization. In business, a code of ethics guides the organization in its programs, policies and business dealings. The manner to which a business conducts its ethical code can have a direct effect on productivity, and reputation. Leadership ethics manages employees in such a way that promotes honesty and integrity. When company leadership demonstrates high ethical standards then employees will want to meet that same standard of conduct. Having a code of ethics will be advantageous for employees, managers and the executive branch of any organization. …show more content…

The code outlines the social norms of behavior that is considered right and wrong conduct. Honesty and integrity are the two essential components to begin with. A core values based system that stems from the organization you work for. When a person represents a Christ based mission, then that person is bound by the Christian code of ethics that the organization adheres to. A personal set of ethics should also be considered. Behavior begins with the individual. A person should have their own set of values and ethics that they know are acceptable. Acceptable morals/values will change accordingly based on different …show more content…

Ethics are the principles that govern a person’s decisions. An organization that has individuals from diverse backgrounds all coming together on a common platform aiming towards goals and objectives of the organization. Adherence to the ethical standards set forth by the executive management so that everyone can work together in harmony. Diversity will bring with it a different set of morals and values among those who serve the organization, however a code of ethics brings all those cultures together for the sole purpose of success of the

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