What Is My Greatest Accomplishments

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In life, the moments that mean the most to me are the ones that I thought I could never achieve. The doubt that I would ever be ready to take my GED came often. Every year I would pick up the books I had stored away and try again to see if I was ready. Each time I would walk away thinking, I’m just not ready yet. This became a pattern for many years to come. The last day I walked into the testing center I walked away with a feeling of accomplishment I had never quite known. Taking the GED test made me believe that I should be proud of my accomplishments. In February 2016 I decided I had been avoiding the GED test as long as I possibly could. I had just turned 36 a few months prior and I knew if I did not take it that year that I would put it off forever. Pushing away the thoughts that I was not ready I made my first appointment for Saturday. It was three days away and it gave me no …show more content…

As I drove to the small mobile classroom, nestled behind the empty high school, I felt anxious that the time had finally arrived. With a deep breath, I wiped my sweaty palms on my pant legs and made my way toward the building. As I pulled open the door I remembered the first time I had been to the building, and the doubts that ran through my mind. I felt the fear start to creep in again. Once inside the building I went to the restroom and looked at myself. I knew I could pass the last test I just needed to go in there and remember everything I had learned. Entering the testing center room for what I hoped would be the last time, I smiled nervously at the receptionist. After checking me in she wished me well and I entered a room lined full of computers. My fears vanished as I got to work on the test. As each question came across the screen I felt more confident in myself. I knew the answers and as I finished each portion of test I felt like I finally could be achieving my

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