What Is Identical Twins?

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Cloning can be a natural process, it is not always man made. In humans, identical twins are an example of how clones do not always start off in a test tube. Human clones in the form of identical twins are commonplace, with their cloning occurring during a natural process of reproduction. Although genes are recognised as influencing behaviour and understanding, genetically identical doesn’t mean altogether identical. Identical twins, regardless of being natural human clones with identical DNA, are separate people, with separate personalities and experiences. The relationship between an original and a clone is much like that between identical twins raised separately; they share the same DNA, but little of the same environment. This research will explore the science of twins, epigenetics and the fight to improve lives and combat disease.
Identical twins do not always look alike. The identical term refers to how the twins are formed, not how they look. The term for identical twins is, monozygotic. Monozygotic twins are formed from a single fertilised …show more content…

Because genetic makeup of monozygotic twins is nearly identical, phenotypic traits and heritable diseases such as autoimmune disease, cardiovascular, cancer, asthma and diabetes and mental health disease are often matching and manifest in both siblings, however these diseases can happen in only one sibling, suggesting other factors are involved such as environment playing a role in determining phenotypic differences (Genome, 2017). Epigenetic modifications, cellular changes that influence expression of genes are now widely recognised to influence phenotype and frequently occur in disease. As well as this, environmental factors such as diet and chemical exposure can change the epigenetic status of genes (Genome,

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