What Is Harmony In Diversity Essay

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With a booming population of more than 7 billion, planet Earth is one of the most unique places in the universe. We, humans are one of the most intelligent organisms on this planet, each of us are embedded with distinct traits and characteristics. With further separation by geographical factors, human populations eventually developed their own culture which differs from one another. Hence, we have a diverse population with different views of the world. Harmonics comes into play at this moment, being different, we are interconnected with one another, positive interactions in between form a dynamic system which in whole greater than its assembled parts. Hence, harmony in diversity is the key that makes all of us complement of each other. Diversity …show more content…

Unfortunately, in many countries, we are seeing more cases where people reject diversity and inclusion. Just look at the terrorists attacks in recent months – Orlando in the United States and Dhaka in Bangladesh. Each of these incidents are heartbreaking and fueled by hatred. History taught us that our country’s journey towards independence is unique, there is no bloodshed but on the basis of racial harmony. This is the power of harmony within diversity that has forged a nation that is respected by the global community. Subsequently, it is vital for our post-independence society to nurture the harmony within diversity that has been made by our founding fathers. Else, we might end up with a civil war between races which is destructive for either parties. Aggressors might even take this opportunity to tear the brittle social fabric apart leading to a collapse of our beloved country. Famous African America writer, Audre Lorde once said, “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences”. This shows us the significance of finding the right balance in terms of harmony within …show more content…

Therefore, learning to accept our multiracial society as a whole is important. Being moderate and show respect towards other’s beliefs is one of the ways of doing so. There are many approaches in nurturing harmony within diversity where the people of this country plays a major role in doing so. Our current prime minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak did his part by launching the 1 Malaysia programme which places emphasis on ethnic harmony. Since a boat doesn’t go forward if each one is rowing his own way, therefore, it is vital for all Malaysians to unite and uphold the harmonics in diversity that is fundamental for our country’s

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