What Is Goal Setting Essay

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GOAL SETTING - Goal setting is a very important process for any mature human being to think about his or her future plans.It is for motivating ones self inorder to be able to turn his or her vision for the future into reality.This process of goal setting by doing it ,helps the individual person to decide on where they want to find them selves in life at a certain time in life. Why do we set goal?Every body who finds him or her self in any human activity,be it in the field of business,politics,teaching education,etc,all all set goals.The goals setting,gives whoever sets it the short term,medium term,as well as the long term.All the above mentioned,gives us both theshort term motivation and the long vision.The goals that have to be set,must be sharp and clearly defined ones.The goals that are set should be able to raise the self - confidence of the setter.Beacause it also has to be recongnized in his or her own strength to achieve the goals that have be set for the future. Goal setting too,once it is set,as to be worked on,on a day to day basis,weekly,monthly,quarterly,or yearly,it can also be in the next five years or even ten years forthe long term ones. TYPES OF GOALS - There are quite a number of goals we have and it depends on what the individual wants.We have for example,career goals,thatis the level an individual wants to

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