What Is Erwin Blumenfeld's Contribution To The Fashion Industry?

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The photographer Erwin Blumenfeld once said: "My life began with the discovery of the magic of chemistry, the interplay of shade and light and the double edged problem of positive and negative." Through a variety of techniques, from solarisation to montage and including the use of mirrors, much of Blumenfeld's work emphasizes artistic duality. Considered as one of the most innovative and influential photographers of the 20th century, Erwin Blumenfeld made a significant contribution to the fashion industry between 1940’s and 1950’s. His photographs were on the postwar pages of Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Life and Look magazines. Besides the fashion photography, his oeuvre includes portraits of celebrities, fine art photography, as black-and-white nudes, drawings and Dada collages. The undiscovered part of his work consists of the hundreds of Dadaist photomontages produced between 1916 and 1933, never exhibited during his life, and …show more content…

He ended up committing suicide by running up and down the Spanish Steps in Rome to induce a heart attack. Although he was never afraid to celebrate the sexual ambiguity in himself (the family believe he had an affair with Cary Grant) he had a succession of mistresses, one of whom he arranged to marry his son. But it was his artistic legacy that was to prove even more divisive. After his death, it was revealed that he had left the management of his photographic estate — 30,000 transparencies, 8,000 black-and-white prints, dozens of groundbreaking fashion films from the Sixties — to his final mistress, Marina. She turned out to be a reluctant champion. She divided the work into four lots, gave one to each of his three children and kept the rest for herself. “The people in my grandfather’s life failed to co-operate and, to this day, much of his work has not been seen,” says

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