My Passion For Computer Science

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When I was in middle school, I had totally no idea of what Computer Science is, but I was pretty proficient in using computers at that age. The only thing that I knew about Computer Science is that one of my aunts is in that field and that’s all, nor of my parents are in that major. Not until in High School that I got the sense of what programming is like. I was taught basic simple codings and I really enjoyed it and thought that the class was actually quite fun. But the class didn’t give me any sense of the important real-world applications of Computer Science. Not until recently as I am in the Computer Science major, I started to really have the real idea and to gain real passion for the field. Computer Science is not all about programming. To do that you need to deal with both the real world and the abstract mathematical. Programming is an important engineering tool, I would say. You can actually apply any of your everyday activities to Computer Science. Most people actually familiar with some of the things that are related to Computer Science, such as, web browsing, playing computer games, shopping online, using the newest technology (smart phone), using social media (such as facebook). These all are the activities that all people must be familiar with. When you are surfing the web, and type something of the search engine’s web page such as google, it will give you the results quickly. This process is also related to Computer Science! Also, the process of indexing and storing information about tons of webpages online are all Computer Science too. Another thing that most teenagers or youngsters must be familiar with, playing game. The enemies in …show more content…

I feel that there are so much things that computer science can do to make a difference in the

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