What Is Beowulf An Epic Hero

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Wouldn’t it be great to be a hero? Someone others can look up to and always remember? In the epic poem of Beowulf, this hero does unimaginable things for the love of his people and the protection of others. Beowulf is an epic hero for many reasons. Three of Beowulf's most epic heroic traits are his strength, noble honor and birth, and the ability to rule justly, as a king should. First off, using his strength, Beowulf fights evil and supernatural beings such as Grendal, Grendal’s mother, and a dragon. His superhuman abilities elevate him to be an unstoppable warrior. As written in the poem, “For hours he sank through the waves; At last he saw the mud of the bottom” (line 542). This line of the epic poem shows an example of how Beowulf is a great hero by using his strength to defeat an evil being, in the most unimaginable way ever. Another way Beowulf can be shown as a great hero is by his noble honor. …show more content…

Knowing this of Beowulf also made him widely known and well-respected. He respected all kings who called on him or need his help. Also the other knights he has fought alongside with. Written in the poem, “At the hall, bold and warlike, and with Beowulf, Their lord and leader, they walked on the mead-hall green” (596). This quote also shows another example of Beowulf being an epic hero by using his popularity the best way possible by respecting others, and also because of who his family and how noble they are. One last way Beowulf expresses his hero ways is his ability to rule the way somebody should

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