What Is Amir's Relationship In The Kite Runner

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How do relationships with others help shape your personality? Some relationships with others can either have a positive or negative affect on you. In The Kite Runner, this can be proven, through the relationships Amir and others. Through his childhood Amir had one true friend, Hassan. Hassan always had his back when he would say “For you a thousand times over!” (67). Hassan always stood up for Amir whether it was to Assef or Baba. When it came to Baba, Amir wanted him all to himself. Amir says, “He asked me to fetch Hassan too, but I lied and told him Hassan had the runs. I wanted Baba all to myself,” (13). Amir had a close relationship with his father, Baba, but could feel the close relationship between Baba and Hassan too (14). How do lies affect your way of life? Growing up Amir had been lied to countless of times, but he also lied. After he and Hassan won the kite flying tournament, Amir watched Hassan get raped in the back alley. Instead of sticking up for Hassan, like he had always done for Amir, he …show more content…

When Amir returns to Afghan to help Hassan's son he promises Sohrab that he will not put him back into the orphanage (324). When trying to make a foreign adoption the lawyer said the only way to put him back in orphanage was the only option to help with paperwork. Amir tells this is Sohrab and he tries to commit suicide because Amir could not keep his promise (343). Amir realizes that he shouldn't have used the word “promise” and instead said that he should do everything he can to help Sohrab. While Amir is still living with the guilt of Hassan's rape, he thinks it has come back to haunt him. After he faces a terrible tragedy with Hassan's son, Sohrab he thinks this is the consequence of never confessing what he saw in alley back in 1975 (346). He he continues to pray that this is not linked with what happened and prays that his lies have not caught up with

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