What Is Addiction To Cell Phone Addiction

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You’re with a group of friends and of course, you all have cell phones. You keep checking your phone thinking that it’s vibrating. Your hand twitches as it hovers over the phone you so delicately placed in your pocket only seconds later. Have you ever heard of Phantom Vibration Syndrome? This is where you’re constantly checking your phone because you think you feel it vibrating or ringing.(Dr. William Barr, abcnews.com) Most teens these days own a cell phone, doesn’t matter what type of phone it would be, they still have this device. High percentages of these teens are addicted and don’t know this, but these devices are ruining their health and the way the live everyday. Cell phones are monsters that are taking over our lives more and more everyday, and we aren’t even acknowledging it. We’re all addicted to some sort of device whether you it would be a cell phone, iPod, or computer. We don’t like to admit it, but we are. I sure am, but I wouldn’t just go around telling people “oh hey, I’m addicted to my cell phone” that’s just not how it works. Do you know what your addiction is doing to you though? How it’s affecting your health? After countless amount of research, you wouldn’t believe what these little devices are doing to you. We all have the right to know but some of us are just blind to …show more content…

For us who don’t listen to our doctors, did you know that if a child/ teenager suffers from a cell phone addiction, it could have negative implications on brain development? Leading brain imaging researcher Nora D. Volkow, MD of the National Institutes of Health, researched that even though you may not use your cell phone for hours during the day, after 50 minutes of cell phone exposure, the emitted radiation increases brain cell activity in the region closest to the cell phone antenna. ( Volkow, mercola.com) Cell phones may not seem like that big of a deal but it is ruining our health for our

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