What I Learned In Spanish Class

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I am a former student of Mrs. Morales. I had her in 7th and 8th grade for Beginning Spanish and Spanish 1 Honors. I was nervous going into this class because I didn’t really know what to expect; would it be really difficult, would I make friends, would my Spanish accent sound remotely good? Once I entered that class I knew that none of my worries would ever trouble me, and it was all because of Mrs. Morales. She was (still is) outgoing, funny, and made you feel welcome into a culture that was completely different from my everyday life.

I remember the first week of my 7th grade year we played this game where we had to repeat everyone’s name in front of you in Spanish and then repeat your name in Spanish (e.g. Ella se llama …., El se llama…, Mi nombre es…, etc.) then onto the next person, and the process repeats. After this moment I knew that we were actually going to learn Spanish not just sit around and do busy work. I was …show more content…

We even made sugar Day of the Dead skulls to help really appreciate how Mexicans celebrate this holiday. This is only one of the fun things we did in her class to make the Spanish language and culture more interesting. She is hands down one of my favorite teachers and I loved her so much that I would go eventually go on an EF tour trip with her to Europe and other fellow students. I knew this was a once and a lifetime opportunity and I begged my parents to let me go with my favorite teacher. They finally let me go after I agreed to help pitch in with the cost. That trip was the best thing that ever happened to me and I was able to make memories that will last a life time. Visiting the Eiffel tower, riding the London underground, visiting Las Ramblas in Spain, an unexpected stay in Amsterdam were amazing experiences in itself, but what made it all better was the surrounded by people who I loved and cared about. I enjoyed every minute I spent with Mrs. Morales

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