What I Learned In Asl Class

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ASL is an intriguing language that everyone should learn. ASL is a mixture of English but it is different at the same time. The signs are graceful and yet sometimes harsh. Visuals are important and so are signing correctly. I joined ASL class because I was curious. The class was interesting and I learned many things. I had learned many things taking this class. I learned that some signs are similar and can be easily confuse for different meaning if sign incorrectly. For example, three signs I learned in class that are similar are TASTE, TYPE, and FAVORITE. I also learned that facial expressions are important because they help differentiate between asking a question or a yes/no answer. I learned that deaf people sign very quickly and communicating is a bit hard but it is doable. Last but not least, I learned that English is different from ASL. For example, English use the verbs “is” and “are” while ASL do not. Another example is ASL sentences are shorter than English sentences and there are classifiers that describe the shape of an object to make the sentence shorter. I learned many things in ASL class that are different from a regular English class. …show more content…

The first time I learn about ASL was when I joined an afterschool club back in 6th grade. The teacher taught us the ASL alphabet and I was intrigued with ASL. The second time I encounter ASL was the show “Signing Time!” I learned a few signs, such as GOOD MORNING and colors. The third time was my sister’s school, Mark Twain School. The teachers taught my sister the signs YES, NO, and STOP. Last but not least, I encountered ASL at Target. I saw an Asian couple signed but was unsure if it was ASL or a different version. The husband was frustrated and his signs were harsh and quick while his wife was trying to understand what he was

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