Parent-Child Conflict in Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo & Juliet
What Forces Affect A Parent's & Child's Relationship What is it that effects a teenagers relationship with their parents? Is it love or the fact that parents aren't accepting that their children can not be young forever. Romeo and Juliet who are young, fall deeply in love with each other although their families despise one another. In the end all good things must come to an end and Romeo and Juliet take their own lives, which results in the families feud coming to an end. The play Romeo and Juliet by WIlliam Shakespeare is an example of how a young couple in love can cause difficulties and complications within the families due to their youth and naive attitudes. Juliet's decision to marry Romeo over Paris is causing conflicts between her relationship with her parents. Capulet who is Juliet's dad wants her to marry Paris on Thursday. Juliet can not marry Paris because she's already married to Romeo and Capulet does not know about this so …show more content…

Romeo's relationship with his parents started to fall apart after the first time he met Juliet. Romeo saw Juliet at the dance and he fell in love,”Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw true beauty till this night” (1.5.50-51). The capulets and Montagues have not gotten along for years and Romeo a Montague and Juliet a Capulet are in love with each and their parents will be furious when they find out. Furthermore, Juliet will do anything to be with Romeo and she wants him to do anything to be with her. Juliet is willing to give up being a Capulet just to be with Romeo, “Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet” (2.2.34-35-36). The choices that Romeo and Juliet are making are causing their parents to lose trust and honor with them. Also, by taking their own lives it does not fix their

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