What Does Trust Mean To You

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What does trust mean to you? People in today’s society often have a hard time trusting others due to questioning whether they are confident others will keep personal information about them. One must be intentional about building trust. This process takes time because one must learn to get to know the person before they can trust them. According to Walker, (2013) this is known as self-disclosure which is important when forming relationships (p.3). The more others know about you the more they can trust you. This means that one must have courage to reveal their true self in order to form a connection with one another. We assume the reason to trust is to form a relationship. Once a connection is formed, people start to rely on each other which then eventually leads to trust. This can occur due to the benefits a relationship brings or simply for love and friendship. …show more content…

The research suggests, “only when we risk something and expose ourselves to vulnerability, do we really speak the truth” (Eikeland, 2015, p. 67). Being truthful and exposing yourself promotes a secure relationship built on trust. Trust must also be earned from others. It is not something people can assume will happen in the moment but based on the motivation from others. For some reason, many people do not talk about trust in the world we live in today. According to Simpson, (2012) “most of the time, trust is an invisible assumption.” (p. 550) People are unaware of the fact it is the actions associated with trust that build a relationship. One cannot demand or prove trust but rather they have a choice to choose whether or not they want to trust

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