What Does The Minister's Black Veil Symbolize

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“The minister's black veil.” As mysterious as one.
Ever Felt that no matter where you would go, people will judge you by what you look like rather than what you really are? well, this is the same situation that Good old Parson Hooper felt after the people got a glimpse of his new black veil. The Minister's Black Veil (written by Nathaniel Hawthorne) is full of memorable characters and mysteries to solve as The people try to uncover the secret to why Mr. Hooper began wearing the black veil. American romanticism is an artistic movement which when put into this story, can have many different emotions and also many decisions made by the lead characters. American romanticism can be commonly found in novels that use any sort of literature of autobiographical …show more content…

Hooper as he constantly is wearing it throughout the story. Even at his funeral, he is buried with the black veil and it keeps his character very mysterious type of person, but what exactly does the black veil represent? The black veil that the minister/Mr. Hooper wears is a symbol of the sins of a man and of the minister himself, and it is a symbol of the natural sins people have. The veil is a visual type of thing that is supposed to remind people about their sins. One of the reasons the people of the church start to get uncomfortable around Mr. Hooper is because the people begin to judge him (physically) by confronting them with their sins that they have committed. Mr. Hooper is putting the veil on his face to visually show the fear that people have in order for them to confess their sins. The veil is a device that forces the congregation to constantly think about their sins when they are near or around Mr. Hooper. It’s also a way to make them uncomfortable, making them visualize and image for darkness, evil and other unpleasant things as black is the main symbol for evil and power which can give many people fear when …show more content…

In this way, the major theme of this story is that everyone wears a black veil. However, What does that mean? Well it really means that everyone, no matter who or what you are to become, has a secret sin or sorrow that is hidden from others, often hidden by everyone. Like for example Mr. Hooper. Many of the people speculate that he is hiding a Sin or sorrow by covering his face with a black veil showing the crowed that he is representing his sin but won’t say what he has done. The main symbol in this story is once again the black veil as it represents fear, darkness and sorrow. This is shown exactly with the townspeople as they show fear when they are close to Mr. Hooper. The townspeople have come to know that they are full of sins so if they come near Mr. Hooper, they will most likely feel fear and disconcerness. Overall it is noticeable that the townspeople will always have fear over the black

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