What Does Simon Symbolize In Lord Of The Flies

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The novel Lord of the Flies written by William Golding contains a captivating storyline filled with multitudes of symbolism which helped Golding communicate his view on the savagery and civilized behaviors amongst people. In this book, readers indulge themselves in a story about a group of schoolboys being stranded on an island after crash landing in their plane. In the beginning, the boys are ecstatic about finally being away from adults, however this changes as order collapses and dilemmas arise. Furthermore, Golding is able to clearly express the human nature of becoming savage when there is a lack of civilization through the symbolization of Simon and his death.The reason for this statement is due to the hope and innocence Simon represented, …show more content…

The time leading up to his death, Simon remained a constant symbol for the hope of being rescued and problems being resolved. For example, when Ralph watches the waves on the darker side of the island and comes to the realization of being completely isolated from the “grownup” world, Simon offers a couple of reassuring words. On page 111 Simon says to Ralph, “‘You'll get back to where you came from.’” By saying this Simon reveals how he is hopeful of a rescue and gives Ralph a bit more comfort. Certainly, Simon is not completely sure with this statement since their situation seems hopeless, but he keeps this mindset and it ultimately prevents him from falling into the terrible actions of savagery the other boys are engulfed …show more content…

Throughout the story Simon has always been in touch with nature and remaining peaceful. For example, on page 55 Simon had gone to his hiding place to get away from the growing tension between Ralph and Jack and it says, “He [Simon] came at last to a place where more sunshine fell. Since they had not so far to go for light the creepers had woven a great mat that hung at the side of an open space in the jungle…” In other words, Simon has his own place of relaxation in the crazy situation he currently lived in. This sets him apart from the other boys since they thought lowly of him when they found out he was doing this. Likewise, the quote, “...to a place where more sunshine fell” gives a warmer feeling towards Simon’s character and also shows his bright personality, innocent and hopeful. Ultimately, this resting place offered his mind a small break from the oppressive problems that were arising and keeping him farther away from the savagery that started overcoming the boys. To continue, on page 154 there is a description of Simon’s dead body that still kept himself civilized. There is a calm transition of his character out of the story the day after his murder and it says, “Softly, surrounded by a fringe of inquisitive bright creatures, itself a silver shape beneath the steadfast constellations, Simon’s dead body moved out toward the open sea.” Certainly, the dead body of Simon is

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