What Does Patriotism Mean To Me

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What does patriotism mean to me? Patriotism cannot be explained by a dictionary or by words. Instead, it is defined by people. Patriotism is found in the hearts of Americans. It is the love we share for our country and our willingness to sacrifice for it. It is what has(taken) brought (made) America (to) a super world power (from) thirteen feeble divided colonies to 50 powerful indivisible states. To me, patriotism is the burning urge I feel to love my country and to defend it with my life. I believe that Patriotism means loving your country as much as you love yourself. Patriotism is not what you think, its what you feel. It’s an emotion. it's a knowing deep down inside that you are a part of something very special and very important. Patriotism is the proud love for your country which causes you to act upon your beliefs without considering any danger to yourself. In truly patriotic people, it is not a fleeting feeling, but remains in the heart, always ready to be felt and acted upon. …show more content…

I am not discouraged with our country’s political or economic failures. Instead, I am optimistic for our country’s future and I am ready to take a stand for my beliefs and act on them to make my country a better place. I am proud of my country and I am not ashamed to fly the American Flag. Many men and women have died to give me the freedoms that I take for granted. I applaud their patriotism, and I thank them for giving me my way of life. I will support them in protecting my

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