What Does Meursault's Relationships In The Stranger

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Relationships in The Stanger How secure is your bond with close friends and family members? In The Stranger, Meursault is involved in numerous relationships in which his attitude is always superficial and frivolous. Meursault, the antagonist, is a very unemotional and apathetic man who doesn’t seem to care about his association with others. Not only does Meursault have a girlfriend, but he also has relations with neighbors, and none of these relationships matter to Meursault throughout the whole duration of the novel. Near the beginning of the novel Meursault meets a girl, by the name of Marie. Marie Cardona had formerly worked in the same office as Meursault, and he had always fancied her (19). The two hung out on the beach and then went on a movie date. None of this would seem odd if it weren’t for the fact that Meursault’s mother had just died the previous day. So, here Meursault was watching a comedy and striking up a romantic …show more content…

While on trial Meursault forms relationships with both the magistrate and his lawyer. The prosecutor can’t understand why Meursault showed no emotion toward the death of Maman and how he was able to keep on living his daily life. The fact that even after all the testimonies Meursault is still seen as an emotionless man very capable of murder says a lot.
Meursault is very detached from society, and unsure of how to interact with others. Meursault is capable of making many relationships, but none of them ever go beneath the surface. None of the people Meursault associates with are able to fully understand him or get inside his head. Meursault can be easily misunderstood because his emotions are hard to see. So how secure is Meursault’s bond with his close friends and family members? Meursault’s relationships are not secure in the least because he could easily live his life without having met any of his

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