What Does Kipling Mean By Tikki Selfish

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“Rikki-tikki-tavi” Argumentative Essay Theme is a moral or lesson the characters and the reader learn throughout a story. Rudyard Kipling, the author of “Rikki-tikki-tavi”, conveyed the theme strength versus weakness very clearly throughout this story. The protagonist, better known as Rikki- tikki, represents the strength. While the antagonist, Nagaina, portrays weakness. The actions in this short story are as eventful and adventurous as any war. Being that Rudyard’s story is very elaborate, another motif perhaps could be, “If you help others you will receive help in return.” In this theme, Rikki helps others a great deal and receives assistance from others. While Nagaina assists no one and receives no help throughout the story, and this leads to her demise. That’s why strength versus weakness is the theme of this story. …show more content…

He is both mentally and physically strong. Some ways he is physically strong is, he’s stalwart enough to kill Nag and Nagaina, and Karait, even though he is much smaller than Nag and Nagaina. He is also sinewy enough to survive a flood. Some of the ways he’s mentally strong is he doesn’t give in to Nag and Nagaina’s head games. He’s also mentally strong to lose his lineage int the flood and he was able to go on. Also, he almost lost his human family. Through all of it he doesn't give up, he forges ahead. In this novella Nagaina represents the weakness. She’s not only physically weak, but she’s mentally weak. I described her as physically weak because she constantly has Nag doing the dangerous work she wants completed, for example she sends Nag into the house to kill Rikki. Also because she wanted to kill the humans so Rikki would let his guard down and therefore be easier to kill. She’s mentally weak because when she loses Nag she focuses on getting revenge, rather than her

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