What Does It Mean To Be Literate In Higher Education?

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To be literate in an academic community is to be a dynamic learner, an open-minded explorer, and a patient listener. The combination of ideology from all three units in WRT 105 have simultaneously lead me to this conclusion at the end of the course, as each one opened my eyes to a new level of understanding in what it means to be literate in an academic community. The first unit of this Syracuse University english class was almost entirely centered around education, which truly laid down the foundation of my understanding of what it meant to be literate in an academic community, whether that be high school, higher education, or just the world in general, because everyday is a new learning experience. I realized in the first unit of this course that prior to enrolling, I had no idea what it truly meant to be educated. I thought that the more knowledge you carried, the more knowledgeable you were. I proved my own theory …show more content…

Unit three was centered around normality, society, anomalies, identities, and more. We took what we had already learned in unit one about being open minded in the face of education, and applied it to doing the same in social situations. This unit took the concept of being literate in an academic community and took it from the classroom to the world, because as I previously mentioned, everyday is a learning experience, meaning academic communities stretch far beyond institutional education. This unit especially explained the part of literacy in academia that surrounded dynamic learning. In order to be literate, you must grow from what you learn in schools, and in social situations. This growth sprouts the roots in which we need to be educated, to be literate. It grounds us to the foundation we’ve built, while giving us the power to grow and blossom with what we’ve learned, and to always reach for more in terms of

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