What Does It Mean To Be Human?

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Stephen Covey, once stated that “Every human has four endowments - self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination”, “These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change” (Stephen Covey, web). A human is the important part of this whole world today. A human is defined as, “relating to or characteristic of people or human beings” (“Definition of HUMAN”, web), but a human is more than just that. Millions of years ago, humans were born into the world. Today, scientists and biologists, would explain “homo sapiens” and the scientific thought of how humans came about, but it goes further in context. What does it really mean to be human? A lot of answers have been said about this question. …show more content…

The brain of a human can store a lot of information for over a long period of time. A human can use their brain to learn and teach in most situations today. They also develop intellectual skills every day while using their brain. They use critical thinking during situations or even solve problems through their intellectual skills. Every age of humans including, children, use their brains to develop those intellectual skills. Infants may use their brain to decide on how they can lift their head and body from off the floor. Children and adults are using their intellectual skills more for problem solving every day. This can be done at school, work, or home. The most important reason of why a human needs to use their brain, is for helping other humans to decide on their decisions. Every individual makes their own decision, but it takes a wise human to talk to them about using their own …show more content…

Humans are made to care and nurture other humans. Humans are born to develop social skills with other humans in the world. We care for infants, children, and adults every day. Humans are made to give advice and share information with others. For many years, humans develop social skills with other around the world by giving and receiving goods and materials. Many countries communicate in order to get their needs and wants. While using their voices, humans develop a unique personality for others to understand them, as a person. In the past, humans communicated with their feelings and thoughts. Today, humans communicate based upon their personalities. It can be with relationships to friendships. Humans match with other humans who have a similar personality as themselves. Humans being social has expanded for many years, for example, “Facebook” has become one of the most popular ways to socialize with others. Humans evolve every day through socializing when learning from others. They are allowed to make others feel comfortable and safe by socializing with

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