What Does It Mean To Be Endangered

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Introduction: What Does it Mean to be Endangered?

At some point in a human’s life while watching your favorite tv show or movie, you’ve seen a commercial about wanting your monthly or one-time donation to save endangered animals. While watching, you feel the need to donate because you mourn for the sad looking critters and want to do everything you can to help. You call the 1-800 number listed on the advertisement, make your donation and then forget about it until you see a similar commercial. Do you really understand the concept of when an animal is endangered and what it takes for them to be considered endangered?
To become endangered means that a species is on the verge of becoming extinct. When the species is actually extinct, there are no more of them on the entire planet (wonderopolis.org). The two main causes behind this is due to the species either losing their habitat or from genetic variation (nationalgeographic.org). Since 1967, there have been 1,800 threatened and endangered species added to the list under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 including its amendments, the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966 and the Endangered Species Conservation Act of 1969. After being counted for, the species conservation status could change back and forth between …show more content…

These include critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened and least concern. They are known as “conservation statuses” and each have varying reasons as to how and why a species is considered to be in that category. The qualifications that a species has to meet in the first three classifications listed are population reduction rate, geographic range, population size, population restrictions and probability of extinction. There are two additional classifications of endangerment on a higher level, including extinct in the wild and extinct

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