What Does It Mean To Be A Hero?

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Daniel J. Boosting once said, “ In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs.” Being a hero is simply not just being a hero for the fame or the attention but for the greater good. Heroism is being willing and open to putting everyone above yourself, facing challenges head on knowing that you won't always succeed.
In our lives today heroes are typically people like Batman and Superman. Men who use their strength and many other powers and abilities to fight off the bad guys. However, studies are now showing that our perspective of a heroism is changing. People now are starting to recognize the not so thought of heroes such as their family members, big remodels in there life and people in history that have affected them in a positive way. My only question is would you rather have strong arms to save the world or a big heart to make the world a better place? In my opinion using your strength and fighting the bad guy doesn't really make you the hero. You're …show more content…

She's motivated, brave, encouraging and she preservers through everything. Most of all my mom is strong, caring and loving and she inspires me to be better, to move-on and overcome all my obstacles. As Rashad Evans once said , “My mother is my hero because, what life becomes about is overcoming adversity, and I watched her overcome so much in life but still able to smile. See it's one thing to carry that with you but when they're still able to smile that's something else. That's true strength.” I agree with this quote very strongly, my mom has overcame a lot in her years dealing with me is a big one. Even though she doesn't win all of her obstacles in life doesn't mean I see her as any less of my hero because hey we can't win them

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