What Does Focus Mean To You Essay

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Focus: Focusing on something or goal makes it easier for someone to do what they are trying to do and accomplish. Focus makes it easier to understand anything.Focusing is a natural and gentle practice of listening to inner sense of knowing, listening to own body. Is easy to get distracted with social media and focusing on something interesting that the person. likes would make the subject easier for the person. It would help me understand my emotions, make clear decisions, follow or obey rules and trust myself. I always deal with focusing on something. I easily get distracted because of social media. I use my laptop a lot and whenever i do my homework on my laptop, for a sec I think about doing other things knowing I am wasting my time. I have faced so many problems in high school because of that by not studying well for tests or quizzes and not finishing homework on time. Focusing on my work and by following rules …show more content…

Without honesty, a person breaks down. It might take time but at the end, they fail. Being an honest person means someone who does not lie, trustable, always think everything in positive ways, always focused on good deeds for a better future. Honesty is a noble virtue that everyone appreciates. No one likes an dishonest person. No one trusts them and they feel lonely. It is valued on many ethnic and religious cultures too. Being an honest person would help me reach my goal. I want people to like me for me and for my honesty. In order to be successful in life, its is important to follow the light of honesty. I have always been and honest and i have personally experienced that, no one accuses me of me anything. I have had problems before but people who know me, know it I am honest and I always want to be like that if I want to be a successful person. I don't want to choose dishonesty for profit and later suffer for it. Everyone respects an honest man and respect is what I

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