What Does Chekhov Have To Do After The Emancipation Of The Serfs

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Before the emancipation of the Russian serfs if you were born into a serf family, generally you stayed in this poverty class for your entire life. Working hard did not change your class status. On the other hand, after the emancipation of the serfs, some peasants were able to climb up the social ladder through being humble. In the play The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov, Lopakhin was a middle-aged business man. He was born into a peasant family. His parents and great great grandparents were serfs on Ranevsky's estate. During this time of period serfs were still in poverty, as they did not own the land and have freedom. The landowners often treated their serfs like property, not like human being. After the system of serfdom was abolished, with

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