What Does Brick Wall Mean To You Essay

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Caring, citizenship, trustworthiness, fairness, respect, and responsibility all make up a person’s character. Think of character as a brick wall, if a person doesn’t have every brick the wall won’t be able to stand. Character can mean a person in a book or even to engrave something. Although the word ‘character’ has various meanings, I want to tell you what the word ‘character’ means to me. To start building your “brick wall” a person needs to be caring. I am a very caring person and I show it my actions. I go out of my way to help others whenever I can. I am respectful to everyone, especially people who are superior to me. When someone is having a bad day, I always try to crack a joke to put a smile on their face. I love to make people laugh, even if it means making myself look like a fool. I am just happy because I know I helped make their day a little bit better. …show more content…

Working at a daycare has opened my eyes to how many kids look up to us high schoolers- especially athletes. Whenever a child tells me they want to be like me, it truly puts a smile on my face. This makes feel like I accomplished being a good example for these kids. I want them to be able to see what can happen when a person makes good decisions. I love knowing how many little kids look up to me; it helps me become a better person. Another level is trustworthiness. I’m a very trustworthy person in the fact that anyone can tell me anything and I won’t tell anyone. When I hear rumors at school, I don’t go tell all my friends. I keep it to myself, or I say they aren’t true. I try to put myself in other people’s shoes and think, “Would I like it if rumors about me were spreading around the school?” Almost 100% of the time the answer is no, so why would I go spread rumors about others? Also if I tell you I will do something, believe me, I will do it. I never back down on my

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