What Does Banksy Consider His Role As An Artist

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Banksy is an artist that is known for his "graphitti" that is meant to stir to pot of political controversy. He puts subliminals and voices his own opinion through his art, although some would not consider it art. Bansky is also an anonymous artist, he has expressed before that he does not ever plan on coming out with his identify. He once explained his reasoning before in an interview, he said, " I figure there are enough self-opinionated assholes trying to get their ugly little faces in front of you as it is." That quote sums up what Banksy is really all about. He wants to voice the opinion of the general public against the higher ups of society, all the while taking no credit for himself. He does not care about fame, if anything he despises it. So what does Banksy really want? What does he consider his role as an artist and how is his work valuable to audiences today? These are the questions that I am going to do my best to explain and share my opinion on things as well. Lets start with the first question. What does Banksy want? Well the answer to that …show more content…

It could mean making money, being famous or reviered as a good painter, or it could mean just voicing your opinion or the opiniona of others. I think art is a very useful platform for society to voice their opinions because it can be manipulated into so many different forms and can catch the eyes of people. Banksy uses art very well as a platform to voice his opinion. Graphitti, is the form of art that Banksy uses. It suits the kind of issues that Banksy gets involved in. Graphitti is techniquelly a form of vandalism, which makes it so impressive that Banksy is able to get away with so much of it. The reason he is able to do this is because people have a deep appreciation for his work and can relate to the art and what it represents. This is going to lead into my final question which is how does Banksy's work prove valuable to audiences

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