What Counts as Knowledge

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It has been asserted time and time again that theology has been promoted into the realms of academia where it really has no place. The apolistomialogical question at hand is, “What counts as knowledge?” The aforementioned assertion is based on the belief that theology is not an area of knowledge, that when it comes to theological concepts like “God”, one can’t really know anything. Religious studies are often times marginalized to the realm of faith. This type of epistemology stems from the belief that the study of religion has no basis in science; that its foundation is in ancient scripture and old-fashioned texts. Many believe that a type of study that does not have a basis within the realm of science is, consequently, outside of the realm of knowledge. This proposition maintains that only science can give you knowledge. The aforesaid charge that theology is not a topic worthy of study is founded in the idea that “it has no basis in science”. Assuming that this is the argument, then all areas of study must find their value in whether they are based in science or not. Many academic ...

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