What Caused The Great Depression Essay

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1929 marked the beginning of one orworst economic periods in
U.S. history. It has been documented as a time of desperation and need, in turn being labeled as the Great Depression due to the catastrophic economic events experienced by the nation as a whole. Over 15 million Americans were left unemployed due to the crash of the stock market. As a result, many Americans lost their homes, were unable to feed and provide for their families and loved ones and some even starved to death. This tragic event was mainly due to the irresponsible actions of the U.S. government. Leading up to the initial crash, the stock market prices began to soar and American8!feeling confident and secure, began spending more than they were making. Some believe that the …show more content…

One cause was World War I. The war had a devastating ripple effect across the world. Europe struggled to pay post-war debts and reparations, income was unevenly distributed, the rich and wealthy received large profits and Americans were spending more than they made. Furthermore, farmers were also fected by this because they faced low profit and heavy debt, which left them struggling to pay their debt As Americans became desperate for relief they looked to their government officials for the answers. This led to the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt ("FDR") …show more content…

History has a tendency to repeat itself and this was just recently experienced in 2007-2009, what is referenced as the Subprime mortgage crisis. The banks were labeled as "too big to fail" and in turn the U.S. citizens had to bail out the banks with taxpayer's dollars to prevent another Great Depression. Just like the Great Depression the irresponsible actions of those in power with a lack of proper checks and balances created a similar situation. It is our governments responsibility to its citizens to ensure that another Great depression does not ever occur again. The

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