Julian Of Norwich Concerning Liturgical Language Analysis

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INTRODUCTION The medieval theologian Julian of Norwich was a mystic, writer, anchoress and spiritual director for her time. She is gaining in popularity for our time as she provides a spiritual template for contemplative prayer and practice in her compilation of writings found in Revelations of Divine Love. The insightful meditations provide the backdrop and basis for her Trinitarian theology’s embrace of God’s Motherhood found in the Trinity. Her representative approach of the all-encompassing unconditional love of a mother who nurtures, depicts Christ as our Mother ascending to the placement of Second hood within the Trinity while giving voice to the duality of God. Her choices of metaphors are simplistic explanations providing the …show more content…

Dissecting Norwich’s use of metaphor descriptors in comparison as “a sublime creativity that likens us to God.” Norwich speaks with gentle authority as she seeks God. Her inner soul reflects the “three-ness found within God’s as all mighty, all wisdom and all love.” God is Father, Son, Holy Ghost, Creator, Lover, Keeper, Mother, Father, and Spouse. Norwichs’ Christian sees a “threefold divineness” occurring. God permeates the universe creating the triangle wherein all find their existence. The use of threes is prominent as a central focus of language while the “tri-unity of God effects the tri-unity of all things.” The depictions include: the properties of God, manners of longing of God, manners of knowing, the gifts of God, degrees of bliss, properties of the hazelnut, three wounds in her life, the virtues of Mary, the means to come to heaven, the aspects of the “fiend.” All of this language is celebratory. George Tavard’s article “The Christology of the Mystics” notes the pattern found within Julian’s visions or “shewings”: “ They follow in the main, the sequence of the Passion: (1) crowning with thorns, (2) the discoloring of Christ’s face, (3) the creation, (4) the flagellation, (5) Christ’s victory over the “Fiend,” (6) the heavenly reward, (7) God’s goodness, (8) the death of Christ, (9) the relation of …show more content…

In her embracement of the principle as Christ as Mother in the Second placement of Trinity she invokes a mothers unconditional love of her children. We are reminded of the passages in Isaiah of the Lord’s feeding his children as a mother feeds her children at her bosom. Providing the manna they need. This invokes New Testament passages as well as Christ teaches we will be provided manna through Him. In her theology of Motherhood we see Christ as our Mother in his birthing of our new creation and rebirth in our acceptance of Him as Savior during the Passion of crucifixion. He is likened to a mother in labor giving birth in the new creation. This is the truest expression of “maternal love” found in the Passion. Julian invokes a Marian theology through her depiction of Christ as mother. Mary is Jesus’ mother yet Christ gives birth to all as he enables the Kingdom of God to give birth in the world through the action of the church. She allows us to understand the duality of God. This concept was not new. The Old Testament prophets portrayed God as a loving mother nurturing, caressing, and comforting her children. Isaiah invokes God in labor giving birth while Psalms compares the femininity of the body and the creator. Jesus himself in the New Testament speaks of drawing us to him as a Mother draws her baby chicks under her

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