What Breaks Our Species Apart: Gender Analysis

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Introduction The human population is unevenly distributed amongst a multitude of cultures, numerous value and belief structures, and countless societal arrangements that dictate every single thing within our lives. These systems and structures have overlaps and similarities along with their contrasting features, and further separate amongst themselves for an even more defined subset of genres and lifestyles, acting as connections amongst people who lack geological likeness. However, despite the potential for connections and links between these cultures and structures, there are still key concepts that cause great divides amongst people. In this essay, I will discuss one of the many issues that splits our species apart: Gender. Discussion I was never taught what feminism …show more content…

Women are constantly questioned for their opinions or actions, that they only think this way because they are a woman, that they are PMS’ing. “You think such and such a thing because you’re a women,” a phrase women are consistently told, with Beauvoir subsequently replying with “”I think it because it is true,” thereby eliminating my subjectivity.” It is just assumed that her thoughts are dictated by the fact that she is a woman – thus, women are predictable. Women are required to explain that they think one way or another because it is a fact, but we are expected to accept that it is a fact when spoken by a man. Society cannot just take a woman for her word (Beauvoir). Beauvoir points out the problem in society. That women are almost expendable, because we are just another piece of eye candy, another sexual conquest, undefined and unworthy of man – explaining, but not excusing, why sexism is still prevailing despite tiresome efforts by people who wish to decrease its

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