What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Record Company?

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A large stage with a large sound reinforcement system and liberally seasoned with lighting, thick music filling the air; this is the setting for many popular concerts. Paris, 24th November 2014, the stage is set. With the audience plunged into darkness, the only light is from the flashing of glow sticks, the crowd start to chant and then the show begins. The lighting erupts into life along with the music and dancers take centre stage. A voice then announces the entrance of Lady Gaga and, rising from a platform underneath the stage, she greets the crowd and starts performing her first song. She demonstrates a highly polished performance with choreographed dancing and sequenced lighting; nothing has been left to chance. This video (Angel 'sMusic, …show more content…

There are many pros and cons for each type of record company, some of which will be discussed. The pros for major record companies are that they have large financial weight behind them. What this means for the artist is big advances, recording budgets, financially large investments into advertising and more influence on the market. The cons of major record companies include the fact that the recoup times can be very long, pressure on artists to meet targets, they tend to only take on board already well established and developed artists and the deals are artist unfriendly. The pros for an independent record company are they pick artists that write music they love, there is a very close relationship between the record company and the artist and the deals are in favour of the artist. The cons of an independent company are that they have less of a financial backing for the artist, which results in less support for recording budgets and advertising. Also, due in part to be financially smaller, they do not have as much clout in the industry. It should also be noted that one main responsibility of the record company is to collect the income from the physical and digital sales of the recordings only, for the recording

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