What Are The Most Important Events In Western Civilization

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History is full of ups and downs, twists and turns that ultimately shaped the modern world we live in today; its foundation laid throughout history. The events of the past; good, bad, and indifferent could have adversely affected our modern society had they different outcomes or ceased to happen at all. There are countless historical events that are significant in their own right, but I have chosen to discuss five of the most significant historical events in Western Civilization occurring pre-1689. The Greco-Persian Wars, the Conflict of the Orders, the Punic Wars, the Gallic Wars, and the Black Plague had crucial influence over today’s economic, political, and social structures.
The Greco-Persian Wars (499-449 BCE) was a conflict between the Achaemenid Empire of Persia and the Greek city states, which began when Cyrus the Great …show more content…

The war started because of conflicting interests between the two, especially the expanding Roman Republic. At the end of the war, thousands of lives were lost, Rome ascended into power, conquering Carthage and becoming the most powerful state in the Mediterranean. During one point of the Second War, or the Hannibalic War, Carthage nearly brought Rome to her knees. With reinforcement from their Gallic allies, Carthage defeated the Roman army in the Battles of Trebia, Trasimene, and Cannae. Had Rome not defeated Carthage, the history Western civilization would be drastically altered, shaping a very different world than the one we live in today. It is said “All roads lead to Rome”. There is a lot of truth to this quote because Rome, with all its power and glory, paved the road for our modern society; it allowed Christianity to spread and flourish, the basis for democracy, and served as melting pot of cultures and customs.Rome can be considered one of the greatest influences on Western civilization, leaving us with priceless gifts that we will always

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