What Are The Mirabal Sisters Justified?

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In the Dominican Republic a dictator named Trujillo ruled for a time and the brave Mirabal sisters rebelled against him with other revolutionaries. Their actions and sacrifices were definitely justified. The two major sacrifices the sisters experienced was the separation of family and their own deaths.
They have faced having to be separated from family whether it was from their stillborn child or being separated behind prison walls. It was all justified since this showed the rest of the people how evil Trujillo’s heart was and the longing of family made the Mirabal sisters grow stronger. This sacrifice is also justified because it is inspiration for other people. The Mirabal sisters were also risking their family by joining the revolution and have been separated from them when sent to jail. One of the sisters, Maria Teresa felt that growth when she saw her sister being taken away for punishment in prison, “Then everyone was beating on the bars, calling out, ¡Viva la …show more content…

They were patriotic symbols, their ghosts led people to their freedom. The president after Trujillo honored the sisters in his speech “When you die for your country, you do not die in vain.” What he means by this is that the Mirabal sisters died with a just purpose, their deaths were not wasted. The sisters died for the revolution, they died for the people, they died with a just cause. Trujillo was assassinated three months after the deaths of the Mirabal sisters by seven men. The time between the two events is so close that even though the book did not mention any relationship between the the men and the sisters, they must have had a need to avenge them; considering how huge of a symbol they were to the revolution. This must mean that the Mirabal sisters had an enormous and just impact on the Dominican Republic and also an inspiration to the rest of the

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