What Are The Five Phases Of Psychological Disaster Response?

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In any disaster, there can be up to five phases of psychological disaster response. These phases are pre-disaster, hero, honeymoon, disillusionment and reconstruction. The goal is to understand these phases in order to anticipate what could occur during each phase and what actions should be taken. Response teams need to understand the five phases; since physical assistance may not be the only requirement needed by the disaster victims. Disasters can cause trauma responses in the individuals affected and response personnel need to understand and know how to react to give the best aid that they can. The first phase of is known as the pre-disaster. This is that circumstance where you’ve been in the position of thinking it can’t happen …show more content…

During this phase, generally, help has arrived. Disaster victims begin to “see a light at the end of the tunnel”. This is also the phase that responders can see for themselves what help is needed by gaining access to the victims. The fourth phase is disillusionment which is when the actual reality hits home. A deep feeling of physical exhaustion can occur as well as depression. Thoughts of suicide as well the attempts can also occur. Stress will start to wear down people as they strive to find a way out of the disaster and to start over. People will be grieving. This is possibly the most important time for mental health professionals. People will need their help to avoid suicide, substance abuse, as well as having someone to talk to them as they grieving as well as helping to locate vital resources to start rebuilding their lives. Reconstruction is the fifth phase and may last for several years as survivors continue to grieve as well as continue to rebuild their lives. The survivors, as well as other impacted, try to move forward and look to the future; but always remembering this loss. Many of these individuals continue to need the support of mental health professionals throughout the rest of their lives or until others come around and provide the love and support that had been …show more content…

On the ocean sites may appear closer than they are; and she wasn’t sure what was happening due to the Titanic using the new SOS signal that many ships were no yet use to. Once aboard the Carpathia crewmembers examined the victims, found warm blankets and food and tried to locate family members that were separated as well as compile a list of those they rescued to communicate this to port authorities standing by in New York as well as being able to report what happened to Titanic. The survivors not only saw the hope of rescue but the concerns for loved ones would increase once everyone was onboard; the hope of other ships rescuing people would be felt during this time. The gladness of rescue and surviving would be impacted by lost loved ones and in the case of many second and third-class passengers the loss of all their belongings that were to aid them in their new life in America. For those awaiting the arrival of Titanic in New York after hearing of the disaster, many were anticipating the arrival of the survivors while others hoped that other ships had pickup survivors and that they hadn’t reported them yet, or that the Carpathia may have not listed all the

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