What Are The Effects Of Public Shaming In The Scarlet Letter

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Public shaming was a common punishment for criminals in the 19th century, however, it is not as common today. Public shaming is not an effective way of punishment for many reasons. Although the offender may have done something wrong, shaming them publicly can harm them in many ways. According to Dana Canedy, guilt is more humiliating than shame, which is what the culprit will feel after what they have done. Another thing that public shaming can result in the wrongdoers privacy being violated. In the article, “Florida 'Scarlet Letter' Law Is Repealed by Gov. Bush”, the man who stole the money was forced to put a sign outside of his house, admitting that he had stolen the money. This violates his privacy because he feels insecure every time someone …show more content…

Hawthorne describes Hester Prynne’s life desolate in The Scarlet Letter due to public shaming. Hester Prynne indeed commit a crime and sinned, however, she should not have to have her life ruined because of it. There are many more options to punish a criminal than by publicly shaming them. For example, the culprit can be put in prison, spend a certain amount of time doing community service, pay a fine, or anything else that fits the wrongdoers actions. Comprehensively, public shaming can cost someone’s happiness in their life all because of one mistake they made in the past. Ultimately, there are other punishments besides public shaming to discipline the offender. Public shaming is an ineffective way of punishment of today’s society due to the fact that guilt is more humiliating than shame. The wrongdoer will instinctively feel guilty about what they have done to receive the punishment. Shaming people publicly is also a violation of privacy and in some cases ruin lives. Instead of humiliating the individual and making them feel worthless to society, the culprit should be forced to do something that fits the crime and will make them a better person because of

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