What Are The Differences Between Bournemouth Hospital And Poole Hospital?

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The key factors that has brought changes in Bournemouth hospital and Poole hospital to turn into a merged trust are –

• Less competition:
Harmful rivalries bring about businesses hateful to each other. Excessive stress creating unproductive workers is caused by competition too. By the merging of Bournemouth and Poole, there will be less competitions against these two health and social care services.

• Reduced Costs and increased financial saving:
Merged businesses can decrease many of their expenses. Cropped marketing budget, lower material cost, redundant employee layoffs, merging the patient’s database lessens the overall business costs. Often, merged business adopts new and innovative technology which may seem costly, but technology actually …show more content…

There are several challenges that the key factors of the merger between Bournemouth hospital and Poole hospital bring:

• Differences:
One of the basic challenges in merging is the differences between Bournemouth and Poole. Differences in management style, personality and opinions of Bournemouth and Poole may cause the merger to break down.

• Legal issues:
According to the Mergers and Acquisition Law, there are several issues like fair trade, due diligence, merger and acquisition deals and cross-border regulations, all of which must be followed for being and continuing as merged business for Bournemouth and Poole.

• Culture:
For a good combination of Bournemouth and Poole, the difference in their individual business culture can turn into a problem. This requires proper planning and creativity.

• Integration:
Integration after merger is often tricky. As a merger, Bournemouth and Poole need to learn to combine their individual efforts and resources by bringing every essential element of their organizations together. This process requires a lot of planning and …show more content…

Because of merging, price often gets higher, quality and customer’s options to varieties get lower because of less competition. These facts will decrease the interest of consumers of Bournemouth and Poole to not have their services

A strategy needs to be developed for measuring the recent changes in health and social care services. The promised improvements of quality, choice or innovation of services for patients arising from the proposed merger can be evaluated by these following things:

 Background information of Bournemouth and Poole which covers –

 Parties of the merger and their status
 Merger structure
 Transfer of services, assets and liabilities
 Reasons behind the merger

 Proper explanation of the current situation, involving the type and extent of the current problems. And the merger will bring progress over the current situation.

 Evidence that this merger signifies a development of the current situation such as, academic papers, surveys from patients, clinical studies

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