What Are The Challenges Of Diversity In The Workplace

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Introduction Diversity in the workplace is becoming more and more common. Companies must take this into consideration when hiring and interacting with employees. Putting forth policies that educate and train employees will help eliminate discrimination. Diversity can include differences in age, gender and ethnicity ("Workplace Diversity Benefits | Chron.com," n.d.).
Changes in Employment Relationships as the Population Ages As the average age of employee’s increases, Individuals will be working well beyond traditional retirement ages. Due to this, we will see many changes in work relationships. Both young and old will begin to work together and mentor each other. These diverse age groups will come together with their own unique set …show more content…

Performance and job productivity must be considered. Alternatives to layoffs can be considered. Reducing work hours or asking employees to take temporary part-time status can help prevent people from feeling discriminated against (Root, n.d.).
Challenges Associated with Building a Diverse Workforce
There are many challenges that can be associated with successfully building a diverse work atmosphere. So of these challenges are: Communication: Language barriers may need to be overcome in order for diversity in the work place to be successful. Ineffective communication can lead to; confusion, lack of teamwork, disputes and low morale.
Resistance to Change: As a more diverse population is hired, employers may encounter many of their tenured employees expressing a “we’ve always done it this way” type of mentality. There will always be that one person that is resistant to change. This type of attitude can hinder new ideas and limit progress of others (Greenberg, 2006).
Benefits Associated with Building a Diverse Workforce
When employers actively and effectively evaluate their handling of diversity issues, develop/implement diversity plans and provide diversity training, multiple benefits will be seen. Some of these benefits

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