What Are The Arguments For And Against School Dress Codes Argumentative Essay

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School Dress Codes are Sexist One popular debatable topic right now is whether middle school and high school dress codes are sexist. A school dress code is a set of rules on saying what is appropriate to wear to school and the students and staff of the school are supposed to follow it. Many people are wondering if their school dress code is sexist, or biased attitudes based on gender. A lot of students and families say that school dress codes are unfair to girls and unreasonable, however others say that the dress codes are rational and normal. Both sides of this highly debatable topic have valid arguments, but school dress codes have gotten out of hand and need to be reavaluated. Many people argue that school dress codes are not sexist. They say that girls have a lot more choices on what to wear, that includes some more revealing options, which is true. A lot of people say that the school dress code is fair because clothes should cover the same areas …show more content…

If boys are distracted now by a bare shoulder or a visible bra strap, they’re going to have a lot of problems in the future. For example, if a boy can’t focus in class because a girl in front of him is wearing leggings then what will happen when he tries to get a job where girls wear leggings everyday or even college where girls wear sleeveless shirts all the time when it’s warm outside? Having a strict school dress code because a lot of jobs have dress codes is not a valid excuse. Jobs have dress codes because employees need to look professional in front of their clients. Schools have dress codes because girls need to be covered up in front of boys. That is wrong. School dress codes don’t compare to job dress codes. These school dress codes are picky, and they aren’t discipline levels that help prepare students for their future. This is yet another point that backs up the cause that school dress codes are sexist (“The Sexism of School Dress

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