What Are The Arguments Against The Banning Of Books In Schools

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Censoring of Books Books are extremely important in school. The banning of some books from schools and libraries would take away an ability to learn. Many people believe that some books are inappropriate for schools because of sexual content, drug use, or the demonstration of homosexuality. It is common now for kids to read books with this kind of content and taking them away would be taking away freedom of expression, there are also ways around it if the books are too inappropriate for small children. Many parents have taken on a new form of parenting and do not hide what happens in the world from their children. Other parents disagree and attempt to ban books from class lists. One article says, “Because we no longer live in a world where it would be unthinkable for an authority figure to give a child a book in which depictions of sex, violence, drug use, and profanity and the like are major elements…” (Article 2). Society has changed and most parents want their children to face reality. …show more content…

The reader would notice that one of the articles that is with the book ban states, “In principle, the right to freedom of expression, as outlined in the First Amendment, seems like a democratic ideal that everyone could agree upon” (Article 1). Even though the writer agrees that some books should be banned from libraries, they still state that doing so would go against the First Amendment. Sometimes books can be much too inappropriate for small children but banning them is not the answer. Barnes and Noble faced charges because of certain books, instead of getting rid of them, “The store fought the ban but later agreed to display the books wrapped in plastic and available only on bookshelves higher than five feet” (Article 3). The bookstore created a better alternative to keep the books from children, rather than getting rid of them

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