What Are The Disadvantages Of Colonial North America

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The History of colonial North America is primarily centered on the struggle of England, France and Spain to gain control of the continent. Settlers crossed the Atlantic for different reasons, and their governments took different approaches to their colonizing efforts. These differences created both advantages and disadvantages that deeply affected the New World’s fate. For instance, France and Spain were governed by autocratic sovereigns whose rule was absolute; their colonists went to America as servants of the Crown. The English colonists, on the other hand enjoyed for more freedom and were able to govern themselves as long as they followed English law and were loyal to the king. In addition, unlike France and Spain, England encouraged …show more content…

In the southern colonies which were Virginia and the Carolinas, the colonies used a planation model. The other settlements which included New England, and Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware which were also called the middle colonies operated on a family farm model. Both drew very large numbers of colonists in their first century. Like the French, the English hoped that they would find gold and silver in their American colonies, as the Spanish did. Which in the end they did not become very successful. As for the economy, the English were very successful in Tobacco. By the 1617 the settlers were producing 70,000 pounds a year. By the end of the American Revolution, production had reached 100,000,000 pounds a year. It touch nine months of work each year to cultivate. Plantation owners relied on African slave labor to do the work. Settlement in New England differed from the Virginia model. Its focus was mainly on family farming and town life. The Puritans who settled in Massachusetts built their settlements around the center of town. Daily life revolved around religion and family. Boston was the first settlement in the colony. Native American population helped the English settlers stay alive; they gave supplies to the new arrivals and taught them to survive. However the English did not treat the Native Americans well in return. Occasionally the English would shoot the Native Americans without provocation. The Church of England is a Christian church. After 1534, people who still wanted to be Roman Catholics were persecuted by the English government because the Church of England was the established church. Lord Baltimore decided to start a colony in America where Roman Catholics could worship

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