Westerbork Concentration Camp

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Westerbork Concentration Camp

Westerbork is a transit camp that more than 103.000 Jews were transferred from Westerbork to Auschwitz and Sobibor. Westerbork was located about 15km from the villages of Westerbork. In summer 1939, the camp Westerbork had been opened by Dutch. In July 1, 1942, the German authorities took control of Westerbork transit camp because it's officially a "transit camp." What depressed me was that the camp was situated about 15km from the village,Westerbork. What Westerbork transit camp meant was world war ll Nazi refugee. By July 14, 1942, all the Jews were examined the SS to be able for the Nazis to determine who was able to work in the camps or will not be able to work and just enjoy put in …show more content…

Westerbork was the main camp that the Germans used,Germans sent Jewish people to die in Poland, with other Jews. In any camp if you were not 15 or older you would be sent to the gas chambers to die. On 1942 until 1944, the Germans sent 97,776 Jews from Westerbork, 54,930 Jews to Auschwitz in 68 trains, 34,313 to Sobibor in 19 trains, 4,771 to the Theresienstadt ghetto to be killed in 7 trains, and 3,762 to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 9 trains to die. On April the Germans left Westerbork and left 876 Jews behind by April 12, 1945 Canadian forces found the 876 Jewish inmates.

On 1945 Westerbork was liberated. The 876 imprisoned Jews in the camp who 569 were Dutch. Everyone in Westerbork got to eat 3 meals a day. The Jews eat a lot of cucumber and tomatoes in the summer. Why would Hitler do this? They didn't deserve to die they were so …show more content…

One of the more well-known victims of the holocaust is Anne Frank. She was a teenage girl who lived in Amsterdam. Her story is so powerful because she was very detailed. The Anne Frank exhibit features the life of a teenage girl and her family hiding in a secret annex. Another important lesson one can take from Anne Frank is that the Human Spirit may never be taken away. One important lesson one can learn after reading Anne Frank's story is never judge a person of their

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