Wernher Von Braun's Accomplishments

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Wernher von Braun has been described as a blinkered opportunist; one who established his place in history with ties to two important nations: Germany and the United States. He would make contributions to both these nations in rocketry and space exploration. He would achieve this through many means, including secrecy and government funding with the support of those in charge of these countries, including Hitler and the President of the United States. Early in his life, von Braun had a love for space and this continued throughout his life. He was born into a noble family which would enable him to lead a life that he might not otherwise have been a part. An early indication that von Braun was sought after because of his name and the benefits …show more content…

Though this camp did not have a gas chamber and was never regarded as an extermination camp, “over 20,000 prisoners died there.”6 Though deaths occurred at Dora, and it was exposed during the Nuremberg War Crime Trials that were held in 1947, the U.S. Army classified this information until 1981.7 Von Braun had tunnel vision is evident when talking about his time at this camp. He would say that he had only been to the rocket factory, but never to the concentration camp. As the author stated, “to say that one had been at the rocket factory but never at the concentration camp during the war would be an obvious lie to anyone who could see for oneself that these were the same place.”8 Von Braun said this because he was trying to disassociate himself from all the obvious things that were happening around him, not only at the camp, but in Germany: stores being vandalized, books being burned, and Jews being …show more content…

Von Braun and other scientists needed the money and were willing to do what they needed to receive it. Durenberger said, “our need was for higher authority to give our work due recognition and to provide us with money – a great deal of money – and with the staff for carrying on.”9 None of the work on the rocket could be possible without the financial backing of Germany, and later America. In 1945, von Braun and others surrendered to the Americans. Discussions were made while at Peenemünde regarding which country would be more beneficial to them to develop rockets.10 These scientists knew what they needed from the American government and the government knew their value to them. Von Braun had help in carrying out his mission, he did not have to testify at Nuremburg; the results were deemed classified.11 The Americans wanted to salvage the V-2 rockets, even using former Dora prisoners strong enough to help”12 to start its own rocket

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