Were There Gods Who Made Humans Or Have Humans Created The Gods?

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When modern men ponder the origin of human beings, we often struggle between the theories of modern science and the divine intervention by an unseen God that was predestined to create the first man and woman according to religion. One of the most intriguing questions that faith struggles to discover is that of our beginning. Why did human beings begin on earth? How and when were we made? Was there a creator? What was the purpose that men came into the world? For some, these questions have always been answered by the belief in religious deities. Each religion, no matter how ancient or modern, has sought to answer these most fundamental questions that influence, if not dominate, the attributes of that human civilization. Because of this, diverse …show more content…

Were there gods who made humans or have humans created the gods? We have the Bible, the Book of Genesis where Adam and Eve are. We have the Book of Mormon which leans on biblical Christianity. We have the "word of Buddha" in the Pali Canon, Mahayana Sutras and the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Hindus present the Sanskrit Vedas. The Sikh Scripture is called the Guru Granth Sahib. Islam 's Koran declares one God and one creation. Even from Africa, we hear the Rig Veda, itself a creation myth; then the Mayan Popol Vuh. Each one of these legends gives us a diverse perspective on the creation of human civilization and the world; these creation myths also strive to interpret natural phenomena, teach divinity to the believers, and emphasize the position and purpose humanity has in the vast existence that is the …show more content…

Archaeologists refer to apparent intentional burials of early Homo Sapiens from as early as 300,000 years ago as evidence of religious ideas. Other evidence of religious ideas include symbolic artifacts from Middle Stone Age sites in Africa. Archaeological evidence from more recent periods is less controversial. The examples of Upper Paleolithic remains associated with religious beliefs include the lions, the Venus figurines, cave paintings from Chauvet Cave and the ritual burial from Sungir.

Granted, the evidence is overwhelming. But now, however, there has been indeed a new revelation that has challenged the very foundations of science and religion that even now has, in archaeological and evolutionary sciences, been uncovered by the fellows of the Courtland Institute of Prehistoric and Archaeological Studies. We present the paper as not applying to myth, but the sincere possibility that human beings, may, from some remote hidden possibilities of the very ancient past, may have come from a more astonishing beginning that has been widely anticipated.

The Book of

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