Well Being Essay

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Well-being or welfare is a general term for the condition of an individual or group, for example their social, economic, psychological, spiritual or medical state; high well-being means that, in some sense, the individual or group's experience is positive, while low well-being is associated with negative happenings.Discussion College life is a transitional period, offering opportunities for cementing healthy lifestyle behaviors in students. The transition that young people make between school and university is for many an exciting, yet challenging, time. On the one hand, the university experience provides the opportunity to widen their knowledge base and perspective, to discover self and establish aspects of personal identity and to achieve personal growth (Giovazolias, Karademas, & Kalantzi-Azizi, 2008). On the other hand, this period also poses many difficulties which are novel, practical, academic as well as social, emotional and psychological (Leontopoulou, 2006). The range and degree to which individuals perceive and experience these difficulties also varies Developing new social and romantic relationships, problems with living accommodation, difficulties with coping with new-found independence, separation anxiety that may be experienced by being away from one’s family, financial worries, health care concerns and coping with the demands of academic work are just some of the typical problems that many students will face (Halamandaris & Power, 1997). Individuals vary with the degree to which they cope with these difficulties or faces stress, and the impact it leaves on their well-being. This study was planned on the confidence that well being offers a fresh and groundbreaking understanding of how psychologists can help student... ... middle of paper ... ...meaning in life on well-being, pillared on the foundation of enriched empirical review of literature, were evaluated in incoming college students by administering standardized psychological tests. The results were in congruence with hypothesis and have good practical implication in educational settings, especially colleges. Enriching the trait of sense of coherence and encouraging towards gaining meaning in life can help the teachers, counselors, and administration in developing coping skills, effective and productive functioning, healthy adjustment, better academic performance, in all, promoting well-being of students. The current research throws light on factors which have a remarkable contribution in promotion and maintenance of well-being in college students and hence the results can contribute towards developing of an efficient health care and enhance program.

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