Wed Frugality Essay

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Weddings and Frugality *Note - I am currently working on a book that I have tentatively titled Wed Frugal. I did not want this book to turn into a clone of Bridal Bargains by Denise and Alan Fields. As a result, I no longer have a publisher. Regardless, I will likely finish the book in the fall/winter of this year and eventually try to find a publisher for it. My goal is to finish the book in the manner that I have always wanted to write it. Below, you will find an excerpt of the book: Weddings and Frugality Most people do not associate weddings with frugality. There is a very good reason for this. The two do not seem like they should go together at all. Of course, the reality is that weddings and frugality go together quite well. Most people believe that weddings are supposed to be expensive. After all, it is a very important day in your life. On this day, you will publicly show your commitment to your partner. In many cases, it will happen only once in your lifetime. You can not deny that it is a very special day. Everyone reminds you exactly how special this day is. You and your …show more content…

While this is true in some cases, many frugalists truly enjoy the challenge of trying to live below or within their means. This varies in degrees and it is extremely difficult to put frugalists in any one category or to define them adequately. This is because frugal people are a varied bunch, and they all practice frugality for different reasons. Some pinch every penny they can, while others use a few concepts of frugality to keep costs manageable. You’ll find that many frugalists fit somewhere in between. There are a great number of names that a frugalist may be called by other people. Some frugalists are called thrifty, while others are called cheapskates, tightwads, penny-pinchers, or bargain-hunters. Many of these terms are not looked on favorably by some

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