Wearable Arts

775 Words2 Pages

In my opinion, fashion is some stuff that created to cover our body. There are a lot of fashions that can we distinguish. There clothes, footwear, accessories, and jewelry. One of the fashion that quite unique for me is wearable arts. What is wearable art? I think, wearable arts are an artwork which not hanging on display or putted in the corner of the artwork display. Wearable arts came from two words; wear able & art. Wearable means something that people can wear to cover their bodies, and art means the expression of human imagination. So that’s mean, wearable art is creation of an artist that made human body as their canvas (World of Wearable Art, n.d., n.p.g.). Wearable arts made for catwalk only. We cannot use it for our daily activity clothes. In this essay, I will discuss about wearable arts characteristics and one of the wearable arts dresses that I saw on World of Wearable Arts exhibitions.
In this paragraph, I will explain about wearable art characteristics. Wearable art is not like the other clothes that can be wore for our daily activity. In my opinion, wearable arts are created to show the creator imaginations. Wearable art is not casual and usually made by unique materials. How can we determine wearable arts? Well, there are a lot of ways to determine wearable arts. Wearable arts have characteristics that differ with other clothes. One of the characteristics is the material. Wearable art materials usually have some meanings to explain the creator imagination. So the materials will make a harmony between the style of clothes and the messages from the creator. For example, I have founded one dress in world of wearable arts exhibitions that made from wood. I think the creator of this dress want to show us about the cond...

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...hen Hades abducted her. She was collecting flower when Hades kidnaps her (Lindemans, 1997, n.p.g.).
For conclusion, I think wearable art are unique way to express artists imagination and messages to art lovers. Wearable arts is one kind of the fashion that can be wore only on the catwalk because the material of the wearable clothes are too differ with our normal clothes. In each of dresses that shown on wearable arts exhibitions has their own implicit messages from the artist. That is one of the unique thing I can get from wearable arts.

Works Cited

Lindemans, M. F. (1997). Persephone. In Encyclopedia Mythica: mythology, folklore, and religion. Retrieved February 21, 2014, from http://www.pantheon.org/articles/p/persephone.html

World of Wearable Art (n.d.). About WoW | World of WearableArt. Retrieved
February 21, 2014, from http://worldofwearableart.com/about/

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