Weapons In The Renaissance

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Warfare and weaponry have been a key part of development and power for areas of the world for years, and has affected, and decided the fate of the world for years on end. Without warfare and weaponry there would be a lack of advancement, and culture. The Renaissance alone was already influential, and had affected the world today through many subjects such as art, religion, mathematics, science, and much more. People tend to forget how much warfare and weaponry advancements happened during the Renaissance. Renaissance warfare notably influenced the old English when it comes to weaponry. The Renaissance had developed more powerful and useful weapons, more strategized methods of warfare, and had involved many areas of the world through weaponry. …show more content…

Wars such as the Hundred Years War. The Hundred Years War was a war that took place for the control of France. This war was based on a conflict between king Edward III from England and King Philip VI from France. The English armies during the ‘Hundred Years War” were small compared to the size of modern military army size. Henry V had around 7,000 soldiers and castillon around 6,000 at Agincourt. Both sides developed their forces primarily by voluntary recruitment. They were also organized mainly by noble leaders who set it up contracts for their knights, esquires, and archers. These contracts consisted of a certain wage or “pay” and a length of service. This length of service could be extended in the near future (Keen,Maurice BBC) This setup can be related to how sports teams sign one year contracts to their players, the player is given their salary, and also once the contract is up the team can choose whether they would like to end the contract or extend the time of that player with that …show more content…

There are three different types of cannons from the Renaissance. The hand cannon, which was a small cannon piece in and on a pole, these were not very common and were developed and originated in China and spread across many parts of Asia eventually reaching Europe. The Bombards which are very large muzzle loading cannons that used huge ammunition and was very powerful. The Petards were the more common cannon that history sees being used all the way through the American civil war that defined our country and even after (“medieval weapons”).Cannons can actually be blamed as part of the reason castles started to become less common because cannons could blow right through the stone, and other materials that was used for building these castles.
Very commonly found in Renaissance warfare were stone throwers. These stone throwers were sort of like sling shots. It took some people/soldiers to load a huge stone/cannon like call into the end of one side, then the other end is pulled or flipped back shooting the stone in the air crashing down on the target. These amazing artillery devices were known as

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