Wealth Inequality Essay

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Now day’s wealth inequality has become one of the prominent social, economic and political problems globally. The trend of wealth inequality has building the gap between rich and the poor and also emphasizing on creating many social evils. Different types of inequality exist in the society i.e. related to education, wealth, income, caste, religion etc. But wealth inequality is becoming a serious problem it is raising the rate of thefts, smuggling, blackmailing etc (Outlook on the Global Agenda 2015, 2015). Basically inequalities differ from nation to nation. According to the Italian statistician named Corrode Ginny emerging economies are more unequal in case of developing countries than that of the developing countries. The inequality rate …show more content…

This type of attraction may not effect negatively on the society mean whilst it creates the good economic growth. Ex: Individual gets returns on education through scholarship payment, funds and allowances provided by the government, loans given to start up of business etc. As these polices usually has a good impact on the society (Miranda, 2015).thus, the argument regarding the statement is been considered as unfavorable because the concept in this report does not agrees. The research did not found any proofs to state that wealth inequality can drive major problems socially or economically through the …show more content…

It has evidenced that 19.9% of individuals are being victim of theft personally (Fido.palermo.edu, 2015). After evaluating the victim’s situation it has been found that the root cause of this evil is wealth inequality which demands the victims to mishandle the rich candidate’s information. This information is been gather by the poor’s in the way of emails hacking, getting finance information from banks while applying for loans. The analysis also reveals that 15.1% are categorized on the basis of the company/business and 12.0% through credit check. These types of evils are very infectious for the social growth and economic too (Ghosh,

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