Wealth And Wealth Essay

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Countries have a tendency to follow pretty much the same pattern when they go from being a poor nation to being wealthy. They first get an increase in wealth which helps in the whole not being poor process. They could suddenly farm more valuable food, develop a groundbreaking technology, or they could suddenly receive a massive amount of dinero from a foreign body. The country then has the money necessary to make investments in departments like infrastructure, health, and education further increasing productivity and creating more wealth. After gaining even more wealth the country can once again use the new wealth to make serious investments, entering into a cycle in which investments create more wealth and wealth is used to fund more investments and so eventually, the country becomes extremely wealthy. But if the country is never able to gain wealth like this then how will they ever become wealthy? The countries that can’t gain any wealth remain stuck in extreme poverty, unable dig themselves out without help. Countries stuck in extreme poverty are revealed by many different trends, including sucky infrastructure, poor health, overpopulation, a government who only cares about itself, etc. Many of these trends of poverty actually make things exponentially worse by repelling foreign entities who might want to help. So as a result the poorest nations tend to get even poorer.
Many of the poorest nations remain unable to attract foreign investors. This seems strange since the whole reason why these investors go to poor countries and build factories is because the workers in super poor nations are willing to work for little to no money. But when you think about it you realize that it’s just too much of a hassle for them to try and ma...

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...l improvements in major industries like the transportation industry have also benefited wealthy countries more than poor countries. As the spread of cars and planes increased throughout the world, the poorer countries were stuck with the same old horses and buggies and ships because the price of the newer technology is too high for these poorer countries to afford.
So in conclusion globalization is good for countries more on the developing side rather than the completely poverty stricken ones. The developing countries can use globalization to grow and expand itself. The poorer countries just get caught up in the whole mess and get left behind. Investors think that these countries are too risky to work with and other than that there aren’t many other ways for a very poor country to earn the large amounts of money it needs to dig itself out of a giant hole of poverty.

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